So many daily activities that require us to sit for a long time, ranging from doing homework, playing computer, working in the office, to traveling using a vehicle. Be careful, sitting too long can interfere with our health. A number of studies have linked sitting too long with various health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, cancer, dementia, to increase the risk of death from heart disease and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease). Sitting for a long period is thought to affect the body's ability to regulate blood sugar and blood pressure levels, and is thought to slow down the metabolism and breakdown of body fat. When in a sitting position, the body is likened to being extinguished because only a little muscle activity is activated. Reduce Sitting Intensity Actually there is no standard set of how much time someone spends to be considered sitting too long. However, if your work or activities have mostly been done in a sitting position, it is better to start red...
Awareness to provide breast milk (ASI) is now increasing. It should be noted, that the success of the breastfeeding process does not only depend on the mother, but also the breastfeeding fathers. Know the practical steps that breastfeeding fathers should take (father's participation in the process of mothers breastfeeding their babies). Breast milk contains the best nutrition for babies with various benefits, such as reducing the risk of allergies and obesity, strengthening the baby's immune system so that the risk of infection is lower, and increasing the intelligence of babies. Breast milk is free, requires no special preparation, and strengthens the bond between mother and baby. The closeness that sometimes makes the fathers feel excluded. In fact, the father should feel the opposite. Perform this step to become ASI father A successful breastfeeding process must be supported by a partner, where the mother and father work together as a team. Here are some steps you can ...